Monday, 28 April 2014

Risk Assesments

In order to find out what the deal was with advertising around college and having installations we spent around 2 days being sent from person to person. We eventually got passed on to estates and health and safety who we explained our project too. It turned out we had to fill out countless risk assessment forms in order to have our adverts up around college. This was not something we initially expected and was a bit of a pain. But we learned that Britain's health and safety laws are pretty ridiculous. However it was a life lesson and we know better for next time. After filling out the forms we had the go ahead to carry out our business. 

From here we had to go rent out a podium and also get a secure frame made to hold the light box and find a suitable place to put it up where no one can get in the way or get injured. We found a few spots around college and then made a decision. We then had to draw a plan of where we were going to put the installations with a method statement about our intentions.

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