Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Movie Choice Re - Think / Primary Research

After assessing our movie choice we decided it was quite male orientated, as it was pretty much all blood, guts and action with loads of sexy vampires with their boobs out. It is still an awesome film but its not exactly appropriate for everyone. This threw a bit of a spanner in the works and we decided that we would move onto another movie. This made us think differently about the genre of movie too as we found most of the horror films weren't massively appropriate either. This set off another day of picking a film to go with. Here is the 2nd List we came up with:

- Blood Diamond
- Gangs of New York
- Limitless
- Inglorious Bastards
- The Beach
- Shutter Island
- Catch Me if you Can
- Fight CLub
- Seven
- Momento
- Snatch
- Shawshank Redemption
- Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels
- 21
- Human Traffic
- The butterfly Effect
- American Psycho
- Good Will Hunting

The Decision

From this list we eventually chose to promote Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper and Robert Deniro. The film is about a writer called Eddie Morra suffering writers block, his relationship goes down the pan along with his life until he bumps into his ex wife's brother who introduces him to a pill which allows you to access 100% of your brain. This has an amazing effect on Eddie and his life turns around for the better, there a few twists and turns but I won't spoil it for you.

We decided that this film is better suited to both genders and covers an interesting and engaging storyline full of surprises and also has some amazing visual references to work with. There are many shots in the film which are very specific to the plot and have artistic qualities which could be played with and applied to our work. The film has been shot in a way that lends itself to experimentation.

Film Notes

- 4 digit IQ
- New York City
- Fractal Zoom Effect crops up throughout.
- Grey Monotone colours in contrast to High Definition full saturation of colours throughout film
- Writers Block
- Synapses make connections in the brain 
- Only access 20% of Brain
- Baggy n Business Card
- Clear Transparent Pill - NZT
- 'I was blind but now I see' 
- Calm Space
- Memory unconscious Subliminal 
- Lots of Blues and yellows highlighted when he takes the pill, good visual reference.
- Blue Eyes
- Gambling
- Languages
- Flip Clock Visions
- Answer phone messages
- Blurred unfocussed imagery
- Stocks & Shares
- Skips/Blackouts/Glitches
- Pixel Effect in scene
- Gold Asian Tin
- Paranoid
- 'I need my Pills'
- 'He's houdini hes a prophet of our time, hes god'
- 'I don't have delusions of grandure, I have a recipe'
- Hiroglyhics
- Upside down frames
- Moleskin client Book - Numbers to call
- Shell Full of Pills
- Russian Script at the end...

Visual References

 Dull Colours when not on NZT

Enhanced colours When on pill, usually blues and yellows

 Answer Phone Messages throughout

 Pixelated glitches

Business Card and Pill

Fractal Zoom

Flip Chart

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