Wednesday, 13 November 2013


In order to find out what personal benefits I could get from drawing mandalas I spent the afternoon with a pencil, compass and ruler drawing mandalas and looking at some of the patterns I learnt about from researching into sacred geometry and the art of making mandalas. I found the whole experience extremely therapeutic, and found that my mind was solely focused on playing with geometry and working out what I wanted to do next and where the image was going, I found my self emerged in my work which was a really nice experience. Every one I produced took a complete different direction which was really interesting. There are infinite outcomes to explore which can include countless geometric shapes and patterns. For this exercise I just worked with geometric mandals. But of course mandalas don't have to be so precise and clean cut they can be rough and created in any medium as long as it revolves round a central point. The beauty about the mandala is that anyone can create them. There not just created for religious reasons and anyone can find fun and peace in creating them.

This mandala is based on the fruit of life pattern from my sacred geometry research, there are loads of geometric forms that can be found within this pattern which is really interesting. You can find all of the platonic solids, within this pattern. I illustrated the Hexagon here, I like how the image has a 3D quality, the cube form pops out from the page. By rotating a triangle around the central point it created the star form.

Here I experimented with concentric circles to produce this mandala I also rotated shapes around this to create the star like formation.

After producing a few I got into the swing of things and the patterns started to become more complex. You start to see other possibilities and the mandala takes a different form. I found it interesting that the mandalas 
took vary different forms every time and I kept finding different forms to work with. The experience 
was really quite enjoyable.

Here you can see the fruit of life pattern



The books purpose is to inform people about mandalas and how they can create their own. The publication will explore the traditions and cultures behind this beautiful art form. The book will have various options for the user to create mandals and will also highlight the benefits of producing your own.


The target market is mainly people with a spiritual interest as they are likely to have knowldgege of these, however they have a recongnisable visual quality which many people may recognise or been drawn to. It also relates to people with an interest in art and patterns. Mandalas do have spiritual connotations but the art of producing them is fun for everyone.



The meaning behind the mandala
Natural Mandalas
Spiritual Beliefs 



How to create your own

Examples of versions
Step by step guide
Blank Pages for experiemtns
Colouring in

DIY Mandala Ideas

I brainstormed a few ways I can make the publication more interesting by using different stock and including added extras to the publication which has lead me to push the publication further.

Acetate : I think it would be interesting to show how mandalas can be built up so printing on acetate is a good idea as it would show the progression of the mandala and also give a cool effect a bit like a stain glass window mandala which can be found in churchs. This will illustrate the aspect of christian mandalas.

Spinning element : Most mandalas have a revolving theme to the image as all the shapes rotate around a central point, I want to illustrate the movement within the mandalas by adding a spinning element which illustrates and animates the movement.

Sewing Grids : Mandalas can be created in what ever form you want. With that in mind I thought it would be interesting to sew mandalas. Sewing takes allot of concentration and is very structured and ordered, these qualities match that of drawing mandalas so the combination will be a very therapeutic but focused project. I plan to laser cut out various grids and patterns for the user to sew.

Stickers : It might be cool to print various stickers out as another option for the user. However this might not work that well I will have to experiment.

Box : I plan to build a box for the publication and added accessories. The pack will include tools to for the user to create their own mandalas. The package will be the perfect kit, which could be transported about with ease so the user can find a nice relaxing spot and chill out with their brand new mandala kit.

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