Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Year 3 Plan of Action

Over the summer break we asked to think about the type of direction we want our practice to take over the course of this year. I am really excited to take on the challenges I have set for myself this year and believe that I am going to have allot of fun in the process. From last year I think I have developed a love for branding and identity. I like being able to give a company a unique image which makes it stand out from other competitors. I have found this to be something I have been continually engaging with over the course of the past year. I also have a new found love for printed design. I love vibrant colours, nice textures and all the printing methods. I'd like to think of my self as quite an ethical designer but when it comes down to it I'm not... I like the expensive finishes and the not so environmentally friendly printing processes, but that's okay because if it looks good, its all good.

There are lots of things I want to learn and improve on this year so I have my work cut out for me. There are skills that I need to build on that I am really not that confident with but this is going to be the best year to engage and learn these skills as I will need them in the real world. I have tried to write briefs which give me the opportunity to explore new and existing skill sets I want to try and push my boundaries this year and am feeling confident for the year. I have organized to do a couple of collaborations as well for my briefs this year. This something that has always been a bit of a daunting experience but I am going to keep positive and work hard with my partner. I think the fact that we have to rely on each other will be a great driving force to push us to do well and try come up with some interesting and fun ideas. It will also mean that the body of work that we will produce should be quite substantial. 

Brief 1 : Collaboration with Lisa Burns
Brand a Bar 


There are loads of different bars out there with various interesting concepts. You have the chance to come up with the concept and branding for a new bar. Using your combined skills research into various ideas, which may work in a bar and see how far you can push your ideas. What type of theme could you have? Who is your target audience? What style of design will work best?

Brief or Tasks

Collaboratively come up with the concept and branding for a new themed bar. Physical examples of the promotional products will be required. Consider how you can promote and publicise the bar and also take into consideration the interior aesthetics. The branding needs to run throughout the establishment. Think about all the promotional items a bar might need and what else might make your bar stand out.

Preparation/Research suggestions

-       Concept Bars

-       Unique Themes

-       Drinking Traditions

-       Who is the audience?

-       Promotional Products

-       Advertising

-       Interior Design / Features

Evidence – for this project students should submit

-       Branded promotional items

-       Business cards

-       Menus

-       Beer mats

-       Advertising

-       Interior Design

Brief 2 : Collaboration with Mikey Scott
Film Night Events


Films are something that everybody has a connection with. There are all different types of genres of films which each have the power to control our thoughts and feelings, they are powerful emotional tools, which are used to both entertain and educate. Films are something that should be shared with others so this series of film nights will give you the chance to promote some of the most inspiration films of all time to an audience of fans. Think of interesting ways you could get people on board. What creative advertisements can you think of? What films need promoting?

Brief or Tasks

Set up and promote a (film/series of film) nights. The organisation would put on various films over the course of the year. Each month a different genre of movie would be exhibited in a location of your finding. Come up with the branding and publicity for the film nights. Consider interesting ways to grab peoples attention, how can you advertise in a fun and creative manor?

Preparation/Research suggestions

-       Interactive posters

-       3d Posters

-       Creative advertising

-       3D objects

-       Movies

-       Hand outs

-       Character Design

-       Movie Genres


Evidence – for this project students should submit

-       Posters

-       Promotional Flyers / Hand outs

-       3D Advertising

-       Branding

Brief 3 :
Alcohol Packaging


The alcohol industry is a competitive sector to compete with, a strong brand and identity is essential for alcohol if you want to make an impression on the shelves. Think of unique interesting concepts that people will engage with. The target audience is people who appreciate fine spirits and who are willing to pay that little bit extra for something interesting and different. There are loads of different styles of packaging but how can you create something that has the wow factor.

Brief or Tasks

Create the branding and packaging for a series of alcoholic beverages. Consider how the drinks will stand out on the shelves/bar. Research into different themes and unique concepts. You need to consider interesting ways to package the series of drinks.

Preparation/Research suggestions

-       What’s already out there

-       Unique concept or theme

-       Creative Packaging

-       Drinking Traditions

-       Target Audience

-       Legal Requirements

-       Shelf Presence

-       Promotion

Evidence – for this project students should submit


-       Branding & Packaging

-       Promotional Material
-       Extras / Accesories




Brief 4 :
Cheer up Chaps


International Happiness day occurs every year on the 20th of march and was set up in order to promote happiness as a universal goal and aspiration in the lives of human beings around the world.

A profound shift in attitudes is underway all over the world. People are now recognising that 'progress' should be about increasing human happiness and wellbeing, not just growing the economy at all costs. All 193 United Nations member states have adopted a resolution calling for happiness to be given greater priority and March 20 has been declared as the International Day of Happiness - a day to inspire action for a happier world.

Brief or Tasks

Create a pocket-sized book/booklet/publication designed to help inspire and brighten up peoples day to day lives. The booklet could include humour, inspiring quotes, song lyrics or anything you think the general public may relate to. The booklet would be handed out as a free promotional item on international happiness day so think about how the publication could be printed cheaply.

Preparation/Research suggestions

-       Movies

-       Music

-       Famous Quotes

-       Inspirational Quotes

-       Comedy

-       International Happiness day

-       Action for Happiness

-       Other campaigns

Evidence – for this project students should submit


-       Publication / Booklet

Brief 5 :
Record Label


Music is something that should be shared with all. There are loads of great DJs from the area with lots of potential. Creating a new label for up and coming artists will be a great opportunity for DJs to get their tunes out their promoted with a strong brand identity. This will give me the opportunity to work along side interesting musicians with a similar musical taste. The label will help to promote and distribute various artists’ music in an attempt to spread the love that music can give.

Brief or Tasks

Create and Brand a new Record Label for up coming artists from around the UK. You will need to get in touch with artists who might want to get involved. Think about the company image and the music and message you want to promote. The label will need promotional material creating to brand and publicise the company. Artwork for the artists will also need to be produced. Consider different ways of getting the music to the target audience, events, web, handouts.

Preparation/Research suggestions

-       Existing Artist Contacts

-       What’s already out there

-       Promotional Material

-       Audience Research

-       Compilations

-       Solo

-       Packaging Ideas

-       Websites

-       Social Media

-       Advertising

-       Events

Evidence – for this project students should submit


-       Record Label Logo & Branding

-       Promotional Material

-       Website

-       Social Media

-       Artist Artwork

-       Advertising
-       CD / Vinyl Covers

Brief 6 :
Sacred Geometry


Sacred Geometry is something that can be found in all aspects of nature. Over the many years these geometric patterns have been studied and used to create many religious buildings, and the creation of religious art. In sacred geometry, symbolic and sacred meanings are ascribed to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions.

In the ancient world certain numbers had symbolic meaning, aside from their ordinary use for counting or calculating; plane figures, the polygons, triangles, squares, hexagons, and so forth, were related to the numbers (three and the triangle, for example), were thought of in a similar way, and in fact, carried even more emotional value than the numbers themselves, because they were visual.

Brief or Tasks

Create a publication inspired by sacred geometry. The publication needs to be informative but most importantly express the beauty of the geometric formations. Consider the symbols and meanings behind the geometry and how these geometric measurements can be used to create buildings and design work. The publication needs to be highly visual.

Preparation/Research suggestions

-       Where can we find geometry in nature

-       Universe

-       Religion

-       Mandalas

-       Why does it occur

-       How can it be used

-       Golden Ratio

-       Patterns

-       Architecture

-       Proportions

  Evidence – for this project students should submit

 -    Publication

Brief 7 :
Rock n Roll Exhibition


Rock n roll is one of the greatest genres of music ever to come across the human ear. Originating in the 1940s rock music paved the way from many other genres. Rock n Roll was a very expressive form of music both visually and musically. Many Rock stars tended to have a very extreme fashion sense and this carried through to the music. If it wasn’t for rock music we wouldn’t have many of the bands we have today.

Brief or Tasks

Create an exhibition of classic rock inspired posters, celebrating some of the greatest bands & songs from the rock’n’roll era. The posters need to incorporate both type and image.

Preparation/Research suggestions

-       Quotes

-       Lyrics

-       Imagery

-       Methods of print

-       Hand drawn

-       Digital

-       Screen Printing

-       Colour choice

  Evidence – for this project students should submit

-       Series of posters

-       Exhibition Branding

-       Booklet

-       Signage

What else will I do this year:

I have other briefs in the pipeline that I want to take on this year. I am in talks with a new IT company that wants their business branding, I will be calling them later on tonight to find out the finer details of what they are looking for and the type of message they want to convey.

I also plan to make use of Dots Printhaus in Leeds over summer I called in a few times to make my face known there. I organised with the owners to come in and print some of my work there so ove rthe course of the year I will try and use Dots for all my screen printing needs.

In terms of competition briefs I will wait until the new ones are released this year and concentrate more on the briefs I have already wrote. They are something that can wait a while. I may want to collaborate on one of them aswell so I'm leaving my options open.

I would like to try collaborate with someone from another course I have spoken to a friend on photography about collaborating on a project but am yet to decide what we would like to focus on. I think it would be great to collaborate with someone from wood work also as I have a real apreciation for fine craftsmenship. 

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