Thursday, 3 October 2013

Sacred Geometry Research


Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition. 

It is considered foundational to building sacred structures such as temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred spaces such as altars, temenoi and tabernacles; meeting places such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of religious art, iconography and using "divine" proportions. Alternatively, sacred geometry based arts may be ephemeral, such as visualization, sand painting and medicine wheels.

Sacred geometry may be understood as a worldview of pattern recognition, a complex system of religious symbols and structures involving space, time and form. According to this view the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred. By connecting with these, a believer contemplates the Great Mysteries, and the Great Design. By studying the nature of these patterns, forms and relationships and their connections, insight may be gained into the mysteries - the laws and lore of the Universe. 

Natural Forms
Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry (for sound reasons of resource optimization). For example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are seen by believers in sacred geometry to be further proof of the cosmic significance of geometric forms. But some scientists see such phenomena as the logical outcome of natural principles.


Cutaway of a Chambered Nautilus

Bee Honeycomb

Naturally formed basalt columns


North polar hexagonal cloud on Saturn

Vitruvian Man

Art and Architecture
The golden ratio, geometric ratios, and geometric figures were often employed in the design of Egyptian, ancient Indian, Greek and Roman architecture. Medieval European cathedrals also incorporated symbolic geometry. Indian and Himalayan spiritual communities often constructed temples and fortifications on design plans of mandala and yantra. For examples of sacred geometry in art and architecture refer: 

Golden Ratio 


A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. A labyrinth is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience. Walking the labyrinth can be considered an initiation in which one awakens the knowledge encoded within their DNA. 

A labyrinth contains non-verbal, implicate geometric and numerological prompts that create a multi-dimensional holographic field. These unseen patterns are referred to as sacred geometry. They allegedly reveal the presence of a cosmic order as they interface the world of material form and the subtler realms of higher consciousness.The contemporary resurgence of labyrinths in the west is stemming from our deeply rooted urge to honor again the Sacredness of All Life. A labyrinth can be experienced as the birthing womb of the Great Goddess. Thus, the labyrinth experience is a potent practice of Self-Integration as it encapsulates the spiraling journey in and out of incarnation. On the journey in, towards the center, one cleanses the dirt from the road. On the journey out, one is born anew to consciously dwell in a human body, made holy by having got a taste of the Infinite Center. 


Mandala derives from the Hindu language meaning 'concentric energy circle.' A circle represents protection, good luck, or completion. Mandalas link with the spiraling movement of consciousness, sacred geometry, psychology, and healing. 

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as "a representation of the unconscious self," and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality.

Other Examples:

Sacred Geometry by Charles Gilchrist

I came across this information by Charles which explains sacred geometry in terms of the universe and its spiritual properties. You can see how this geometry is quite clearly special. It appears everywhere in the known world and is the building blocks for replication and production. 
  • Sacred Geometry is the eternal visual language wrapped around the root concepts of the manifest universe. The archetypes and icons of geometry are absolutely perfect, unchanging, and timeless realities springing directly from God Mind.
  • The Universe is Vibration, and the principles of Sacred Geometry are directly correspondent to ALL wave form phenomena . . . ALL vibration. Science agrees, the Universe Is Vibration, and geometry IS vibration manifest on the visual, time/space planes.
  • Sacred Geometry defines the nature of Space and Time.

The First Archetypes of Sacred Geometry
Single Point
  Single Point

  • The Single Point is the first archetype of Sacred Geometry.
  • The Single Point is the absolute root mental concept . . . the simplest idea possible.
  • The Single Point is directly related to unity consciousness or Oneness . . . undivided God Mind.
  • The Single Point is literally The First Dimension . . . the omnipresent—omnipotent center.
  • Single Pointedness is the root of all holistic thinking . . . THE ALL IS ONE.
  • Single Pointedness (Oneness) is that which is beyond Duality. 
Two Points
 The Two Points

  • The two dimensional Universe begins with the division of The Single Point.
  • The great and profound mystery of Sacred Geometry: The Single Point magically divides and becomes The Two Points.
  • The Universe is created by division: Unity Becomes Duality. This is the great miracle and mystery: Suddenly, Point A. is here and Point B. is there.
  • The Second Dimension literally begins at this conceptual level: The Two Points.
  • These two points, this first duality . . . marks the first architectural relationship of the Universe, simultaneously creating the first abstract unit of measure, i.e. space.
The Radius / Arc

  • The tremendous energies contained within this first two dimensional relationship of the Universe (The Two Points) manifests as a duality of motion: straight line motion (from Point A. to Point B.) and rotational motion (Point B. around Point A.).
  • This dual movement is called The Radius/Arc. It is THE root motion, conceptual Big Bang.
  • All the various energies of the universe trace to the play between the Radius and the Arc. The Radius/Arc is Yin and Yang . . . Light and Dark . . . Left and Right ,. . . East and West . . . Up and Down . . . Mother and Father . . . etc.
  • ALL . . . manifestations of duality trace to The Radius/Arc.   

The Circle

  • The timeless relationship forever held within The Radius/Arc (expressed scientifically as Pi ) is THE root mathematical formula and visually unfolds to become the first enclosed form of Sacred Geometry, The Circle .
  • The Circle is unity . . . Oneness.
  • The Circle is the two dimensional manifestation of single pointedness . . . undivided God Mind.
  • The Circle is . . . THE ALL. This is the essence of Mandala: The Circle holds ALL.Definition: Pi is the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter: Pi is a transcendental or so called irrational number having a value (to eight places) of 3.14159265. For practical purposes, the value of Pi is 3.1416.
   Two Circles of Common Radius
 The Circles of Common Radius
  • As we have seen, the first Icon (The Circle) is created by rotating Point B. around Point A. (the yellow circle).
  • But The Two Points, are perfect twins with equal potentials, and Point A. can also rotate around Point B.... using the original radius
  • This natural polarity, this reversal of rolls, produces another circle (the violet one).
  • These two circles create the first overlapping form of Sacred Geometry entitled The Two Circles Of Common Radius.
   Vesica Pisces
The Vesica Piscis
  • These two overlapping circles with a common radius, create the second enclosed form of Sacred Geometry. The ancients called this archetype The Vesica Piscis. (black shape)
  • ALL FORM, literally ALL the dimensional forms of this cosmos evolve from this football like shape . . . The Vesica Piscis.
  • The Vesica Piscis is literally the womb of the universe . . . the ever unfolding Mother of Sacred Geometry.
Two New Points - C & D
  • In addition to The Vesica Piscis, The Two Circles Of Common Radius create two new points at their intersections (C. & D.).
  • The play of Father/Mother (Points A. and B.) create the first children of the universe: The twins (Points C. & D.). And the magnification continues.
 The Petal
Four Circles Of Common Radius:
Four New Points (E,F,G,&H):
And The Petal
  • Rotating the first two points (A. & B.) around these new points (C. & D.) creates two additional circles and four additional Vesica Piscis. Now we have Four circles of common radius and Five Vesica Piscis.
  • The two new circles also create four more points (E. F. G. & H.), and another enclosed form of Sacred Geometry we call, The Petal (the white shape at the center).
  • Four circles of common radius is the essence of family revealed in Sacred Geometry: Parents (circles 1 & 2) and children (circles 3 & 4), the family heart in the form of a petal.
  • Four circles of common radius is THE germ form of The Creation Pattern, as all of the necessary forms are now in place:
  • Striking more circles around the new points (E. F. G. & H. ) compounds the forms and creates the possibility of a never ending grid of Points, Circles, Vesica Piscis, and Petals entitled Nature's First Pattern    

Nature's First Pattern
The First two Circles in Natures Pattern
  • Nature's First Pattern is THE Creation Pattern. Literally ALL FORM traces to this pattern, including "The Germ Of Life, The Seed Of Life, The Flower Of Life, and The Fruit Of Life."
  • Nature's First Pattern is the ever evolving two dimensional pattern which, at the conceptual level, circumnavigates the universe.
  • There are an infinite number of sub patterns and forms to be discovered within Nature's First Pattern, and the study of these unlimited possibilities is THE KEY to Sacred Geometry. 
Mandala Geometry Introduction
  • There are numerous esoteric secrets and multiple thousands of sub-patterns to be discovered within Nature's First Pattern and even more in The Glyph Maker.There are numerous esoteric secrets There are numerous esoteric secrets and multiple thousands of sub-patterns to be discovered within Nature's First Pattern and even more in The Glyph Maker.and multiple thousands of sub-patterns to be discovered within Nature's First Pattern and even more in The Glyph Maker.

  •  Nature's First Pattern, is the basic architecture of ALL form. The entire universe springs from this pattern.
  •  You can find unlimited wonder by playing with these FREE graphics. Playful experimentation with Sacred Geometry is good for your head!
  • Making your own mandala involves coloring and shaping a sub-pattern you have discovered hidden within the graphic. Perceiving and hand coloring a possible pattern involves the allegorical left and right brains. This is the essence of Open-Eyed Meditation. The creation of Mandalas based on Sacred Geometry contributes to the integration and synergy of our projective and receptive energies, a very desirable human potential bringing many benefits. This is pure Open-Eyed Meditation! 

Hint 1 Three Lines
  • There are three straight lines directly connected to any center of Nature's First Pattern. These lines bisect the petals and connect natural center points. The six natural wedges are 60 degrees each 
 3 lines in Natures 1st Patern

  • The tools required for this investigation: Pen or pencil and a straight edge. Begin your Mandala by striking a line down the middle of the paper . . . down the center of the petals. This is a powerful symbol of duality or pairs of opposites . . . Twoness. A few of these poles are the Yin and Yang, Left and Right, Mother Earth and Father Sky, Man and Woman, East and West, etc.
  • Notice and look carefully at the concave triangular shapes naturally formed between the petals, half of them pushing one way and the other half pulling in opposition. This is one of the most beautiful qualities of Nature's First Pattern. Experience this archetypal reality through hand coloring. Creating your own Mandala based on this natural pattern of duality will begin teaching you about Sacred Geometry. This process is extremely meditative. Let the stillness happen 

Hint 2 Concentric Circles

  • There are concentric circles expanding from the center of Nature's First Pattern. This variation is created by adding only three new circles, expanding in size from the center: 2 petals wide (first circle), 4 petals wide, 6 petals wide, and 8 petals wide. Tools required to create expanding circles: Compass with pen or pencil.
  Concentric Circles in Natures 1st Pattern

  • Begin by placing your copy graphic on a piece of hard cardboard like the back of a legal pad. This will give your compass a good perch (no slips) and will also protect your desk, etc. Place the compass point at the center and carefully strike a circle one radius larger than the center circle. This is very easy to do. Notice how the circumference of the new circle bisects the ends of the six new petals. Now you have two concentric circles. Construct more circles by expanding the radius one petal at a time. Enjoy the stillness.
  •  The first circle at the center including its twelve petals, is called The Germ Of Life and the second concentric circle is called The Seed Of Life. The third concentric circle holds the very important Flower Of Life and the fourth, The Fruit Of Life.
  • Each of these concentric circles holds fantastic possibilities and secrets which can be studied indefinitely. For instance, the second circle (The Seed Of Life) is responsible for the famous geometric icon and archetype commonly known as the "Yin Yang." Check it out! And the fourth circle (The Fruit Of Life) holds the famous Metatron's Cube; the two dimensional precursor to the three dimensional world of crystalline form.   
Hint 3 Concentric Hexagons

  • The center circle "The Germ Of Life," naturally creates a Hexagon which concentrically expands as does the first circle, ala Hint #2. Use your straight edge to create ever expanding hexagons. Let the stillness happen.
 4 Hexagons in Nature's First Pattern

Hint 4 About Time

  • From any of its infinite centers, Nature's First Pattern naturally divides into twelve equal parts . These 12 equal pies are 30 degrees each and are the basis of the ancient 12 House Astrological System. This natural division is also responsible for our our 12 hour clock and our method of dividing time
 Geometric roots of the Astrological System: The division of time

Hint 5 Infinity

  • The pattern can be reproduced on an infinite scale.

Hint 6 Th Glyph Maker 

  • The transcendental qualities of Nature's First Pattern are of critical importance. NFP naturally divides and magnifies into micro cosmic and macro cosmic infinity. In the graphic entitled "The Glyph Maker," this first natural division and magnification is illustrated. The original radius has been both halved and magnified by 1.5 creating an interlocking grid of circles . . . in three sizes. The Glyph Maker holds an unlimited number of designs. It's fantastic! There is truly no end to the possibilities. Seek and yeah shall find!
 Two Circles of Common Radius                 The Glyph Maker - (center detail)

  • The Glyph Maker is an important variation on Nature's First Pattern, and traces back to the first Two Circles Of Common Radius and The Vesica Piscis (above left: Fig. 8). As we have seen in (Sacred Geometry an Introduction), two equal circles naturally rotate around points A. and B. creating two new points (C. and D.). Nature's First Pattern uses Point A, as its center.
  • From another perspective, these first two circles create a new center . . . Point X (see image above left). This natural relationship of the four points found within The Vesica Piscis creates the cross and two equilateral triangles. In addition, the 30, 60, and 90, degree angles are naturally created within The Vesica Piscis (above left)
  •  The Glyph Maker (detail above right) uses Point X as its center with naturally forming circle patterns in three sizes. The new smaller (half sized) circle fits perfectly into the original Vesica Piscis and the largest (one and one half sized) circle perfectly encloses the first Two Circles Of Common Radius. This never-ending division and magnification continues naturally and is intrinsically transcendental.
  •  This is the reason The Flower Of Life is so particularly important: Because its architecture is perfectly contained within the roots of Sacred Geometry, i.e. Two Circles of Common Radius and The Vesica Piscis.
Hint 7
  • The image below illustrates basic circular and linear patterns to be discovered in The Glyph Maker.

A simple PhotoShop Mandala based on The Glyph Maker
by Charles Gilchrist © 2004

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