Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sacred Geometry - Reading

I have rented out to books from the library which have given me a bit of an insight into the world of sacred geometry. This geometry is rooted deeply into the fabric of nature and has been studied and used for thousands of years. Although we can find proportions repeated through the natural world it is something that seems to be covered up in today's society. There is something that we are not been told. These geometric patterns surely have some profound effect on the universe. It is argued that sacred geometry is the building blocks of everything in existence.

Book 1-  Sacred Geometry 
by Robert Lawlor

This book is an introduction into the geometry which, as modern science now confirms, underlies the structure of the universe. The thinkers of ancient Egypt, Greece and India recognized that numbers governed much of what they saw in the world and hence provided an approach to its divine creator. Robert sets out the system that determines the dimension and form of both man - made and natural structures, from gothic cathedrals to flowers, from music to the human body.

Book 2 - Geometry of Design
Kimberly Elam

In this book Kimberley uncovers the mysterious relationship between mathematics and beauty. She takes us into the magical realm of geometry - of golen sections and divine proportion and the Fibonacci Sequence. She shows how symetry, order and visual balance underlie various aspects of design work.

From reading through the books there are certain topics I would like to include within my publication in order to give the audience an overview of sacred geometry where it is found and how it is used. The theory behind sacred geometry is quite a heavy concept to grasp, but hopefully this publication will help people to understand the importance of geometry within nature and help people to realise we are all connected. There is one pattern for life and it shows how everything is built from the same structure. Unity is key.

This geometry is used in all aspects of design and helps to keep everything balanced and in proportion. It is something that should be explored and used in the creation of design and architecture. There is something about the geometry that people associate with spirituality. Sacred geometry has been used in religion since the ancient times. Mandalas are used to channel the artists energy as a form of meditation. These mandalas are present in almost every religious culture but they are created using different methods depending whereabouts in the world you are.

Topics to Cover

Universal Creation Patterns
Examples Natural Forms
Human Proportions
Tree of Life etc
Platonic Solids / Cosmic Volumes
Golden Ratio
Devine Proportions
Metatrons cube
Examples in Architecture
Examples in Design

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