Tuesday 25 February 2014

Letterpress Manifesto Brief - Day 2 / Night Time

Composition Experiments

After printing my test piece I had a sit down at home and spent hours fiddling and messing around with the type to try and come up with a more interesting composition for my manifesto. The print I had produced over the past 2 days was pretty boring and standard. It looked pretty messy and didn't really work well together. I was pretty gutted at how it had turned out, but this was just the starting point. I also realized that the numbers were not really needed in the design and made it worse if anything. I started off by scanning in my design, then printing it out and cutting it down into the various components in an attempt to create something a bit more interesting to look at.

Cut out Experiments

I wasn't really happy with any of the layouts I had produced. They were a bit more creative and different but they didn't read very well and looked pretty tacky. I decided the best option would be to try have a fiddle on the computer to see whether or not I could come up with some different compositions.

Digital Experiments
I came up with a few different variations on the computer which worked slightly better. A few of the designs referenced a coat of arms which I thought was quite appropriate as they usually represent what the 'person' stands for so I thought this could work well. However the whole point of a manifesto is that it is meant to be read. So having a design which is hard to read kind of defeats the point. So I went back to the drawing board.

I finally decided that I should keep it simple but not justified to the left like my first print as it lacked some creativity. After playing about with the text I produced this composition which was quite square in shape which I liked. It worked well with the phrases and also worked well as an image too. This was not my final design as I still needed to eliminate 2 of the typefaces and get rid of the numbers, but this was a start.

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